Scenic route from Sant Fruitós to the Monastery of Sant Benet de Bages

  • La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de Bages
  • La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de Bages

This route of great scenic beauty is the historical path that, at just over 3 kilometres in distance, connects the town of Sant Fruitós with the Monastery of Sant Benet. It's the perfect route for families.

El Bosquet is the starting point for this route, which can be done on foot or mountain bike. Along the way you'll see dry-stone walls and well-preserved vineyard huts amongst the arable fields, with the summit of Montcau and the Montserrat mountain range in the background. One particular point of interest and of great scenic beauty is the vantage point or "Mirador" of Sant Benet. This spot, almost 300 metres above sea level, provides wonderful views of the whole monastery and its surroundings.

Before reaching Sant Benet monastery, you'll be able to see the route taken by the Llobregat river in the eastern section of the Pla de Bages plain. This is the site of the old bridge or "Pont Vell", built at a point just after the Calders joins the Llobregat river. Construction began on the bridge on the 25th of July 1796 but it wasn't completed until 1804. It has a total length of 121.75 metres, with seven arches of unequal proportions. It was blown up during the Spanish Civil War due to its strategic importance, but was finally rebuilt in 1946.

This route is linear and can be carried out in reverse. In hot weather, we recommend carrying water and wearing sunscreen and a hat.

La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de Bages

Scenic route from Sant Fruitós to the Monastery of Sant Benet de Bages

La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de BagesStarting point: El Bosquet de Sant Fruitós de Bages

La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de BagesEnd point: Monestir de Sant Benet de Bages

La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de BagesTowns: Sant Fruitós de Bages

La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de Bages Difficulty: Easy

La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de BagesTotal distance: 3,25 Km

More information

The perfect route for families.

La ruta del vi de la DO Pla del Bages - Camí paisatgístic de Sant Fruitós fins al monestir de Sant Benet de BagesMonastery of Sant Benet de Bages, vantage point of Sant Benet monastery, vantage point of the Llobregat river, dry-stone huts

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